My Green Blog

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January 29, 2012

Day 29 - January 29, 2012

The beautiful woman in these photos is my Grandmother, Marian. She suffered a stroke on Sunday.
I love her more than words can say.

My heart is sick, and I am completely empty.

She was hands down the most giving, loving, and caring person I have ever met. She never spoke a bad word about anyone, loved her family no matter what their mistakes might be, and left a mark on every single person who met her. I will miss her every day for the rest of my life.

Gram, Me, Angie, Brandy, Cassidy (2004-2005ish)

Me and Grandma - 90's

Planting trees

2003 - Dad and Annie's wedding with all of the grandkids (Leo, Virginia and Delia came later)

Easter 1997

Christmas 2011
I can't flip the picture... but isn't she beautiful?!

I got to see her 3 times in the past week:
1) at my Pampered Chef party last Sunday.
2) Tuesday randomly when my dad and I were out to lunch.
3) pizza at my house with family on Friday night.
yesterday in Fargo at the hospital.


Gabs said...

There are no words that will help!
you & your family are in my thoughts & prayers.
Im so sorry.

shannonseibel said...

Thank you. We can use all the thoughts and prayers sent our way.

Taylor Miller said...

she is a beautiful woman, I'm so sorry; My heart goes out to your family.

MommyDiva said...

I am very sorry, treasure the memories as you have shown in your pictures.