My Green Blog

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November 26, 2012

Photo Card

Pictures Galore Christmas
Visit for Christmas cards this holiday.
View the entire collection of cards.

September 25, 2012

My Photo Book

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August 17, 2012

Crib Mattrerss

Cole and I made a huge Walmart run today. Main thing I needed to get was a crib mattress. This is all we needed to 'finish' the baby room.  He was a great help. After our shopping was done he went back to the baby section and carried the mattress to the check out, and then to the car. These are not the smallest things to lug around!

We got home and he was so excited to carry it in, which of course I let him do. He brought it into the baby room, took off the plastic, opened the mattress pad, put it on and then asked to put together the mobile. He was so excited! Someone is SO excited to be a big brother!

December 2000 - Pregnant with Cole (aka Big Brother)

Baby Crib

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June 14, 2012

Drum roll.......

Jeremy and I had our ultrasound on Tuesday, June 12, 2012 @ 9:45 to be exact. We were in there for about 45 minutes. The images of our baby were amazing. To see the little head, spine, bones, kidneys, and heart were overwhelming. This was very different than Cole's fuzzy ultrasound from 12 years ago. Jeremy had never seen an ultrasound so i was great thing for me to watch him see our baby for the first time!

I caught a glimpse right away of what I thought the baby's gender was... then a few slides later it was confirmed! BOY! We are over the moon and really only had one friend who thought it was a boy, most people thought we would have a girl. Jeremy and Cole will be great role models for the new little addition to our family. And I will continue to be outnumbered.

June 1, 2012

Sweet Baby

We had our monthly appointment yesterday! Heartbeat is 152. Very solid and our doctor found it almost immediately. Also, baby is about the size of a sweet potato! Getting bigger each week. And, we have the ultrasound scheduled for June 13th! Will be exactly 20 weeks at that point. I am looking forward to seeing how close we are to being on schedule and how big baby is getting. At this point we're hoping to find out if baby is girl or boy. However, knowing the baby's mother and father it might just be stubborn and not let us find out...

I'm not a big worry-wart in regards to being pregnant, but it is sure nice to hear that little heartbeat. I think it makes Dad (aka Papa Jer) pretty excited too. Now to buy the little device this weekend so Cole can hear it, I think that will make his day! 

Hoping to hit a few garage sales over the weekend to look for some general neutral and clean items to stock up on for baby. Last weekend we got one of the two bedrooms cleared out. Cole will be moving into this one and baby into his current room. Only problem is he wants his bedroom walls green or orange! Not sure I'm willing to cover the walls in those colors, but we'll see... I'm a pushover sometimes. Just have to warn him it will be that color f.o.r.e.v.e.r., and when he leaves for college he can paint over it! Ha!

I did find these 2 pictures below on Pinterest, so maybe orange isn't so bad?!

May 31, 2012

Nice weather

Someone besides me is enjoying the beautiful weather! Sitting outside, 61 and sunny with my Baby Gray.

May 24, 2012

The official times are in!

Every spring since 2009 I have ran in an event called '5K for the 3 Day'. An event that supports the Breast Cancer 3 Day Walk. My best time to date is 27:24 for the 5K (3.2 miles). But since I haven't been running or jogging, just walking lately, I decided instead of opting out of the race completely I would walk it. My friend Michelle even came to visit and walk with me. It was a beautiful day to walk by the lake with friends for a great cause.

I checked our time today and had a walking time of 44:29! That's a pretty good pace considering Michelle was pushing a stroller and I am pregnant (barely showing of course, but still pregnant). Just under a 14 minute mile is a pretty steady pace. So happy the baby got to participate in its first 5K and I'm hoping to run it next year with a jogging stroller!

Another activity I have done each year for the past three years is the Minnesota Law Enforcement torch run for Special Olympics. We run from Bagley, MN to Bemidji, MN (approximately 28.6 miles) alternating runners. I usually sign up to run 3 miles just because it seems to be a good number for me. This year I decided again, instead of opting out, to run 1 mile!  Some of the guys (mostly male runners) who run are so out of shape that this is the only time they run all year. If they can do it, I can do it. I feel like I'm in good enough shape to make it 1 mile and maybe 1/2 mile at the very end to run in with the group. So excited for June 15th!

This baby is sure helping good causes and starting out with a healthy lifestyle, love it!

May 17, 2012

Grandma Marian

Missing my grandma...

May 16, 2012

Two Weeks

Last week baby was the size of an orange (Baby Oranjalo or Baby Navel). This week baby is the size of an avocado! (aka: Baby Ava). Each week is a fun suprise to see how big baby is compared to the fruit/vegetable. This is a great visual not only for Cole, but to explain to other people we see how big the baby is getting. The Baby Center has a cute little week-by-week chart

Also, threre is a great (funny) chart for dad's to better relate to. Compares baby to household items and tools! Check out this link!

May 15, 2012

Track and Field Day

The school district had Track and Field Day today. There were 4th and 5th graders from all of the elementary schools, I think there are 8 schools total. Lots of kids!  The activities included: high jump, long jumps, sprint races, long distance races, soccer punt, softball throw, team relays, and team shuttles.  What a great day!

Cole competed in the softball throw (did awesome!), soccer punt (little rusty), and 4x4 shuttle run (8 boys). The shuttle team got 1st place! The other two we won't know his place until the end of the school year. These were the same events he did last year. The same shuttle team got 1st, he got 2nd in soccer punt, and 4th in softball throw. 

Sadly, this awesome day is only for 4th and 5th graders, so this was the class' last year training and practicing for the event. The kids all had a great day!

Softball Throw

Soccer Punt
The Cole-man
Oh, and throughout the 5 hours I was at T & F Day, I took 218 photos of the kiddos!

May 8, 2012

May Madness!

May is one of our busiest months as a family. This is mostly self-induced, but some are unavoidable.

Baseball started last Thursday, which will now go Tuesday and Thursday games (with Sunday practices) through the end of July.  Just this month Cole will have a piano recital, school spring concert, track and field day, state park day, baseball tournament, Cub Scout cross over ceremony, and the last day of 5th grade! 

Not to mention we have registration for summer activities (summer kids program and basketball clinics), Jeremy's birthday, Mother's Day, our monthly checkup appointment for the baby, a gardening clinic, finishing planting in the garden, and I'm walking a 5k.

Think I could fit anything else in?!

May 3, 2012

Thursday Craving

We had an appointment yesterday! Heartbeat 160 and 14 weeks pregnant. Per, baby is the size of a lemon!  During the appointment I told my doctor I have been craving fruit, lots and lots of fruit. I told her it was better than Oreos! She laughed and asked if we wanted to know what Oreo filling was made out of... told us we might not eat them again if we knew... sure! Why not?! Can't be that bad right? Wrong. Turns out Oreo filling is made out of powdered sugar and lard. Ick! Pretty sure I'll stick with fruit.
Baby Lemony Snickett
I have been craving watermelon but have been unable to find a decent one. Of course that is because we live in norhtern Minnesota and it is the beginning of May. We brought home a honeydew last night but I didn't cut it up. I was craving salad, so I made a lettuce, avacado, tomato salad with a bit of Ranch... so good!  This morning for my 'first little meal' I'm having an orange, blackberries, chocolate pudding, carrots and water. 

Addition: Friday 'first little meal' consists of 2 cups of 'wagon wheel' carrots, Junior Mints, chocolate pudding, and an orange. I'm getting the feeling baby doesn't want me to eat real food as my stomach turns when I sit down to eat a sandwich or dinner-type food.

May 1, 2012


I haven't had any 'weird cravings' but these are my most notable cravings:

Oranges and citrus (lemons, limes)

Watermelon (need to pick up on the way home from the store today!)


Ice cream (no pickles added)

April 29, 2012

Baby Names

As the weeks have gone by the baby has been many different sizes. And we have been naming him/her for each week! Some of them are pretty obvious, and not very creative but its been fun 'naming' the baby every Tuesday with Jeremy and Cole when I get the email from The Bump letting me know the size.

Week 8: Raspberry - Raspbaby (Cole's pick)
Week 9: Green Olive - Oliver (my favorite)
Week 10: Prune - Pruney
Week 11: Lime - Limey
Week 12: Plum - Plum
Week 13: Peach - Princess Peach (from the Mario videogames)
Week 14: Lemon - Lemony Snickett (Bebe Limon - per my sister)

April 23, 2012

Tonight while surfing through Facebook, because I'm relaxing on couch not thinking tonight! I came across one many of my 'Likes', the New Zealand based Natural Parent Magazine. I was newly introduced to this page within the last week and cannot remember the trail leading me to the page.

So, through Natural Parent Magazine put a link on their page, The Shape of a Mother. I have only begun to read through the stories. But it a great site; highly recommend it!

April 15, 2012

Baby, Baby, Baby, Oh!

This, my personal-type blog, and not my gardening blog, will gradually show my newly acquired lady-bump! We are pregnant! Due the very beginning of November 2012.  We will be ending our 11th week on Tuesday, and getting close to the end of the first trimester. We couldn't be happier, and it seems everything is right on track.

Now to get my energy up so I can throw, purge, and donate a bunch of the unnecessary stuff in our basement. I have been extremely tired. It has been almost 12 years since my last pregnancy so I am re-learning everything. Wow, how some things can change!

Cole is extremely excited to be expecting 'our baby', more so than I thought an 11 year old boy could be. There were tears in his eyes when he opened up his Big Brother shirt... and realized what it meant.  He was the first person we told, and wore his shirt (see below) to suprise all of the grandparents. He even wore it to school the Monday after we told him to show his friends and teachers!

So far I am not hungry, but craving oranges... so here is the start of the Baby Seibel blog postings!

Big Brother Cole

The only bittersweet piece of our pregnancy is that I could not tell my grandma. I'm sure she knows but she would have been so excited... I miss her even more.

February 19, 2012

February 19, 2012

Basketball all weekend. Took awesome pics! This however, was with my phone. Need to find time to download the pictures Monday!

February 17, 2012

Day 48 - February 17, 2012

On our way to a basketball tournament for the weekend. Here is our cell phone sunset!

February 14, 2012

Day 45 - February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

We celebrated last night with little gifts and Cole (and Jeremy) making his Valentine box and writing his classmates names on their treats.

I'm not about receiving cut flowers. I think it is silly. So instead Jeremy ordered me trees, Lilacs! Of course, they won't be here until April but that is a longer lasting gift. Sure makes me ready for spring!

My Lilacs - Spring 2011

February 13, 2012

Day 44 - February 13, 2012

Harder to get back into the routine of taking pictures every day than I thought it was going to be! Funny conversation with my son, who appears to be going through a growth spurt at the moment. I heard a very non-scientific reason for why boys (ages 10-20) are so forgetful, flighty, have no 'listening' skills,  and are just discombobulated if you will. Someone told me that because their bodies are growing and developing so much they don't have enough energy left to think! Haha!

Tonight we had an example:

Cole: I went to the garage and Ray (the cat) was sitting on your car still.
Me: Oh was he pouting? (got in a tiff with the other cat earlier, a lovers spat of sorts)
Cole: Pouting?
Me: Pouting.
Cole Pouting?
Me: Yes, pouting. Was Ray still pouting?
Cole: Pouting?
Me: Yes. Was Ray still pouting? Pouting.
Cole Pouting?
Me: Was. Ray. Still. Pouting?
Cole: Pouting?
Me: Yes, was Ray still pouting from earlier?
Cole Pouting?
Me: Nevermind.
Cole: Yeah he was still pouting.

And no, he wasn't doing this on purpose. He didn't even notice that I was rolling my eyes or that my husband was laughing, at him, not with him. Wowzers, he must need some extra sleep...

My Baby

February 9, 2012

Day 40 - February 9, 2012

Day 40 already. I skipped posting right after my grandmother passed. Too much going on. Too much family to enjoy. Too much catching up on daily routines. So I'll catch you up! Lots of family, Cole turned 11, and the birds have been out to greet us in full force.

Cole and Delia (my niece/his cousin)

Delia and Samantha (best friend's daughter)
Cole Bday Party! (don't worry, just root beer)

January 31, 2012

Day 31 - January 31, 2012 Extra Post

My grandmother passed away peacefully tonight. I was so grateful to be by her side with my dad, aunt, great-aunts and great-uncle. She was just as beautiful as ever and I know now she's in heaven watching over her family and pacing back and forth worrying about each and every one of us until we arrive with her some day.

Photos are from December 31, 2011. Grandma put together a scavenger hunt for the younger boys. She was always planning something for them to do together.

Me and Grandma... actually just ignore me, no make-up and making 'chubby face'!
Grandma looks cute as ever though!

Annie, me, Grandma, Robin and Brad

Trent, Cole, Conner, Chase, Grandma after the scavenger hunt she planned for them in the snow. It is a great memory.

Photo from Grandma's outside-Christmas tree

Day 31 - January 31, 2012

Grandma's gardens rivaled the best. She knew when each of her plants were to bloom and exactly how to take care of them. I hope I can keep her gardening alive through my gardens.

Summer 2011

Grandma at my dad's 50th birthday party 2010

Summer 2011 - Lady Slipper

Day 30 - January 30, 2012

Today I was in Fargo supporting my family and being with grandmother. I have no photos from the day.

Christmas (2008 or 2009?) My grandma is in the red sweater.
Missing at the time from the picture: my sister and cousin.

January 29, 2012

Day 29 - January 29, 2012

The beautiful woman in these photos is my Grandmother, Marian. She suffered a stroke on Sunday.
I love her more than words can say.

My heart is sick, and I am completely empty.

She was hands down the most giving, loving, and caring person I have ever met. She never spoke a bad word about anyone, loved her family no matter what their mistakes might be, and left a mark on every single person who met her. I will miss her every day for the rest of my life.

Gram, Me, Angie, Brandy, Cassidy (2004-2005ish)

Me and Grandma - 90's

Planting trees

2003 - Dad and Annie's wedding with all of the grandkids (Leo, Virginia and Delia came later)

Easter 1997

Christmas 2011
I can't flip the picture... but isn't she beautiful?!

I got to see her 3 times in the past week:
1) at my Pampered Chef party last Sunday.
2) Tuesday randomly when my dad and I were out to lunch.
3) pizza at my house with family on Friday night.
yesterday in Fargo at the hospital.

January 28, 2012

Day 28 - January 28, 2012

I am making a goal. Training for a 10k starting tomorrow!! The treadmill will be the first thing I see when I wake up each morning.

January 27, 2012

Day 27 - January 27, 2012

Country-Western Day!
Cole wore his Aunt Tara's cowboy hat and his Dallas 'Cowboys' shirt... get it?!
The Cowboys?!
I am embarrassed to admit that I didn't right away... he is obviously much wittier than I am.

Cowboy Cole

January 26, 2012

Day 26 - January 26, 2012

Catching up on CSW @ Cole's school for my day 26 photos!
Character Day (Tuesday) Mario

Color Day (Wednesday) 5th graders = Wonderful White

January 25, 2012

Day 25 - January 25, 2012

 Our cat 'Ray the Stray', or Ray for short. We were lucky enough to get Ray when my childhood neighbors moved to the Cities. This cat has a vertical jump of over 5 feet, hunts in the rain and snow, can run faster than any cat I've ever seen and climbs trees with no front claws. He'll often be out by the pond eating frogs or bringing home mice to show off.
Oh and his new love is a laser light... can we say obsessed?!
I'm ready dad!
Just a taste of his jumping skills.