My Green Blog

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January 20, 2014

100 Days of Workouts - Day 12 - January 20, 2014

Ah, Monday, here we are again. You would think with two semi-reclusive adults, one 12-year-old, and one 1-year-old that our schedule wouldn't be that busy... think again! Tuesday evening is our only night free to be home as a family. I'm getting together with a friend tonight, the boys are at the in-laws visiting today since there is no work/school, Cole and I have religion on Wednesday, basketball game on Thursday, early daycare pickup and my work Christmas party on Friday, and possibly something on Saturday evening... but we'll see about that.

Worked out on my 'lunch break' again today. I wasn't super pumped about working out but made myself go an extra 15 minutes to make an even 45 to leave me time to blog and change out of my stinky clothes!

Day 12 Workout:
45 minutes elliptical (5.5 miles)

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