My Green Blog

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January 2, 2014


Happy New Year!
2014 is going to be awesome for many, many reasons, I can just feel it!

Normally, I'm like most other people at the beginning of the year. I have an idea of what I want to do, change, start, or quit doing for the entire year. I've tried drastic and simple resolutions over the years. I am going to try something new this year, something I haven't tried yet.

Each month, a new resolution. One month of change instead of a year of wishing I had stuck with my resolutions. Each month, something to better myself (weight loss/fitness), my kids (quality time/play times), my family (less screen time/quality time), my environment (awareness), possibly even my community (volunteering), and my house/yard (organization). Each month, my resolution will be modified to fit that goal.

I'm SO excited! Twleve resolutions! Twelve months to do something good for myself.

January is going to be simple as we'll be busy-busy. January is one of my busiest months at work. Christmas decorations need to be packed away. Cole has many basketball games. Logan is transitioning to a toddler. We have family to visit with. My office Christmas party to attend. And hopefully a date night with the hubby. Our weeks and weekends are already filling up too fast (a goal for another month, to lessen to busy). Somewhat related, my fitness goal for the year is to become more active, and lose poundage. This goal isn't included with this project just because I need to make a lifestyle change, not just a monthly change in regards to weight loss.

I'm so excited to get this going!

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